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Class gxe.control.Section

Extends gxe.control.Control.
Supports a UI section.
A section typically consists of a header and a body.

Typically associated with:

Also referenced by:

Defined in: gxe.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
cfgObject, context, gxeId, htmlAttributes, htmlElement, htmlTag, htmlTextContent, parentControl, xmlNode, xmlParentElement
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
initializeLabelEvents(xmlNode, associated, ctlIndexedIabArray, domProcessor, domNode)
Initializes events associated with the section header label.
makeControlMenu(ctlHeader, bCheckForInfo)
Makes a menu bar for the section within the section header.
Methods borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
build, createHtmlElement, ensureVisibility, evaluateValue, execBuild, findFirstChildControl, focus, getLabelText, importCfgProperties, importHtmlAttributes, initialize, processCfgAttribute, processCfgElement, processChildren
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
onHeaderEvent(e, gxeControl, htmlEventName, gxeEventName)
Fired for certain events triggered from the section header.
Events borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
fireOnEvent, onChildControlCreated, onEvent, onHtmlChildrenCreated, onHtmlElementCreated
Class Detail
Method Detail
initializeLabelEvents(xmlNode, associated, ctlIndexedIabArray, domProcessor, domNode)
Initializes events associated with the section header label.
Adds a checkbox to the label when a targeted XML node is optional.
{gxe.xml.XmlNode} xmlNode
the targeted XML node (element or attribute)
{gxe.control.SectionMenu} associated
ctlMenu the section menu (may be null)
{gxe.control.IndexedtabArray} ctlIndexedIabArray
associated indexed tab array (may be null)
{gxe.xml.DomProcessor} domProcessor
an XML processor (when opening an existing document)
{Node} domNode
the DOM node that is actively being processed (when opening an existing document)

{gxe.control.SectionMenu} makeControlMenu(ctlHeader, bCheckForInfo)
Makes a menu bar for the section within the section header.
{gxe.control.SectionHeader} ctlHeader
the section header
{boolean} bCheckForInfo
if true then check for "g:info" attribute within the configuration object for the section control (for popup help)
{gxe.control.SectionMenu} the section menu
Event Detail
onHeaderEvent(e, gxeControl, htmlEventName, gxeEventName)
Fired for certain events triggered from the section header.
{Event} e
the underlying browser event
{gxe.control.Control} gxeControl
the control that fired the event
{String} htmlEventName
the HTML event name (e.g. "onclick")
{String} gxeEventName
a GXE name for the event (e.g. "onLabelClicked") within the configuration object for the section control (for popup help)